Saturday, July 17, 2010

Say no to Ragging...

Ragging is an organized crime

Ragging is a notorious practice wherein the senior students get an excuse to harass their junior counterparts, and more often than not, make them easy targets to satiate their own perverse sadistic pleasures.

How Ragging Affects The Victim:

  • An unpleasant incident of ragging may leave a permanent scar in the victim’s mind that may haunt him for years to come.
  • The victim declines into a shell, forcing himself into ignominy and alienation from the rest of the world.
  • It demoralizes the victim who joins college life with many hopes and expectations.
  • Though incidents of physical assault and grievous injuries are not new, ragging also simultaneously causes grave psychological stress and trauma to the victim.
  • Those students who choose to protest against ragging are very likely to face ostracism from their seniors in the future.
  • Those who succumb to ragging may drop out thereby hampering their career prospects
  • In extreme cases, incidents of suicides and culpable homicide have also been reported.

How Ragging Affects The Victim’s Family:
One can imagine the plight of a ragging victim’s family, especially his or her parents who see their child suffering in pain and stress. Besides incurring medical and other incidental expenses to rehabilitate their child, they also have to bear the trauma of seeing his or her prospective career coming to an end.

Ragging is a problem of the students and by the students; and therefore, the solution to it also lies with the students. With ragging becoming rampant in colleges, it is about time that the the student community awakens its conscience to this inhuman practice before more and more innocent students become victims of it and before more and more educational institutes are degraded by it.


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